Eliminating worm infectionsin sub-saharan africa and enabling the who's road map 2021-2030

eWHORM Partner Erasmus MC Participates in EQALM’s Annual Symposium 2023

On 18th-20th October 2023, the annual meeting of the European Organisation for External Quality Assurance Providers in Laboratory Medicine took place in Lyon, France. For the eWHORM project, Jaap van Hellemond, leader of Work Package (WP) 5 at the Erasmus MC University Medical Center Rotterdam, attended the meeting.

The event comprised several sessions on virtual microscopy and the development of joint software and image databases. Given that the aim of WP 5 is to develop a digital learning tool for the microscopic examination of blood and stool samples, with its effectiveness assessed through an external quality assessment (EQA) using virtual microscopy, the conference provided an excellent opportunity for scientific exchange in this regard.

The scientific objectives of the eWHORM project were presented, followed by a discussion on utilising existing virtual microscopy software tools for EQA in virtual training. A productive collaboration with the EQALM-virtual microscopy platform could thereby be established. Their non-profit organisation would be well-equipped to provide the necessary services for the upcoming phases of WP 5 in the eWHORM project.

EMC at the EQALM Annual Conference 2023